-cattail seed heads dipped in pine pitch to make a long-burning torch
-Milkweed, nettle, dogbane and yucca are some of the best cordage plants
in my area--you want to look for a plant whose stem contains sturdy
fibers which don't easily break when the stem is broken, Cording the inner bark of an aspen tree.
Q: (arctic cotton??)
-Balm of Gilead:"The buds of a number of varieties of cottonwood and poplar trees (Populus nigra, Populus balsamifera, Populus augustafolia
and others) contain a sticky orange resin that has been used for
centuries to make a soothing, healing salve commonly known as "Balm of
Gilead." This salve has anti-inflammatory, antibiotic/antiseptic and
pain relieving qualities, and has been effectively used to treat
abrasions, minor burns, frostbite and to ease the pain of sore muscles
and joints. It is also (sometimes known as Black Salve) a traditional
skin cancer remedy.
There are several ways to extract the resin from the buds for making
Balm of Gilead salve. One is done by slowly simmering the buds in hot
oil to release their resin, and the second, which takes longer but
yields a slightly more potent finished product, involves placing the
buds in a crock or jar, and covering them with oil, leaving them to
"steep" for a period of several weeks to a year.
I find that a ratio of 1/1 by volume of oil and wax shavings generally works well.
-Fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium) is a common sight in the high mountains and on the subarctic tundra alike, its uniquely colorful blooms adding some spice to otherwise drab landscapes. The plant does especially well on areas which have recently been burned in wildfires, and is often one of the first to return.
Young shoots can be peeled and eaten much like asparagus, blooms are edible and the leaves are good both added to soups and made into a tea. Roots, also, can be eaten, and are sweetest when harvested in the spring.
This plant's seeds produce a fuzzy down similar to that of dandelions, and this can, somewhat ironically, be used as tinder for starting fires.
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